Oscar Jerome Stewart

Oscar Jerome Stewart

What are your greatest memories of OS?

  • Bonding with my cohort mates over dinner, over test preparation, at conferences, etc.
  • OSSI
  • The OSCARs
  • Defending my dissertation!

In reflecting back, what are the top three things you are taking away from the program?

  1. A dissertation and research program that reflects my interests. I do not take that for granted. Many students (in our program and elsewhere) fall in line with their advisors’ interests. I was very fortunate to be able to start a career trajectory in a niche that fits my interests. Our program is very amenable to students charting their own paths.
  2. Interdisciplinary thinking: Knowledge and phenomena do not exist within disciplinary silos. Disciplines, while obviously useful, serve as blinders for how we understand the world. Our program helps to grow us as scientists who study organizations for a more holistic understanding than many of our counterparts.
  3. Lifelong friends and colleagues: From my cohort to my fellow OS grad students to faculty to Kimi, I have made connections I anticipate lasting for quite some time.

What advice do you have for new students on how to succeed in graduate school?

  • First and foremost, embrace adulthood. This is a job, and more importantly, a career step. You are an adult, not an undergraduate. Make your own career decisions; do not allow your advisor or other faculty to do it for you.
  • Treat the OS program like a game of chess, not checkers. Think more broadly than 1, 2, or 3 moves ahead. In other words, sacrifice some things like social activity for the 4, 5, or 6 years you are in the OS program to best set yourself up for success for the next 40 years. Still, social activity is important for your sanity, don’t work 15 hours a day 7 days a week.

What job search tips do you have for current students?

  1. See the documents I gave to Alex Dunn for the Job Search Support Group.
  2. Join the Job Search OS support group

What about for preparation for going on the job market?

  1. See above.